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Admissions application form

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Please note that the application process can only begin when we have received all the required documentation.

The documents will be reviewed. This process ordinarily takes only a few days. If there is space available, the offer of a place will be made in writing. When demand is high and limited space is available, fees will be due for the period between the acceptance of a place and the date the child starts school.

If a place is not available, the child's name will be placed on the waiting list for the respective class. The Admissions Team will contact the parent/guardian if and when a place becomes available. Applications will be retained for one calendar year.

Please note that the Head of School takes the final decision on acceptance.

You can fill in the online application form below or download the PDF version.

Details of pupil

Please make sure you provide us with any other information you consider the school needs to be aware of: Asthma, Diabetes, ect.

Parent/Guardian 1 details

Parent/Guardian 2 details

Other guardians details in case of an emergency we cannot reach you

To complete the application papers we also require:

  • A scanned copy or photocopy of the child’s birth certificate

  • Scanned photocopies of parents’/responsible parties’ identity cards or passports

  • A scanned copy or photocopy of the child’s vaccination card

  • 2 passport size photographs with the child’s name written clearly on the back

  • Results of external assessments (e.g. Learning Support, Speech Therapy, OT, Ed. Psych)

  • A copy of confirmation of payment of the application fee of MUR 500